If you are interested in programming, learning and mastering the latest programming languages can prepare you for software development activities. Programming languages come in various types, including procedural, scripting, functional, object-oriented, etc., and are available to programmers. In this opportunity, you will become familiar with 10 of the latest programming languages and some of their advantages and applications


Kotlin should be introduced as one of the newest general-purpose programming languages. This statically-typed programming language is widely usable for Android, desktop, web, and server applications. One of Kotlin’s advantages is its ability to support other practical programming languages

Elixir; A New Programming Language

The creators of the Elixir programming language have developed it based on the Erlang virtual machine. The simple and flexible syntax of this practical programming language makes it easy to learn. It is recommended for programmers who are thinking about creating a reliable and secure applicatio


Swift is another of the newest programming languages and a general-purpose programming language. Learning Swift addresses the needs of programmers who intend to build applications for Apple platforms and various cross-platform applications

Rust: One of the Newest Programming Languages

The Rust programming language focuses on three main aspects: speed, memory, and security. With this systems programming language, reliable and high-speed software can be developed without memory errors. Rust is a very suitable choice for building professional and efficient applications


TypeScript is classified as an open-source scripting language. It is developed and supported by Microsoft. It is often used for various large-scale applications such as organizational applications. This programming language can be used for front-end, back-end, and mobile application development

Julia; One of the Newest Programming Languages

Working with the Julia programming language is suitable for those who want to use a high-level and dynamic language. With this language, coding can be done efficiently, rapidly, and transparently. In some cases, it is necessary to use mathematical libraries for analyzing various data, and Julia provides powerful libraries to users


Dart, a programming language developed by Google, is among object-oriented programming languages. This language is usable for web, server, and mobile application development


R is a type of open-source and free software referred to as R. This programming language is used for statistical computation, reporting, etc. Data researchers, statistics experts, and researchers widely use it for analyzing various data

Go (Golang)

Go, also known as Golang, is another of the newest programming languages, and Google has designated itself as its creator. This language provides an easy and efficient solution for developing various highly performant applications, making it a very suitable option for experienced developers


Scala is a general-purpose programming language that integrates object-oriented and functional programming features. Learning this language improves coding skills in a desirable way